Google music vs Spotify

I’ve been a fairly heavy user of Spotify for about 3 years, playing about 40-60 hours per week. I’ve liked using it and am pretty happy with it on Android, Linux (at home) and Windows (at work, for my sins).

When Google music all access (snappy!) launched, I thought I’d give it a spin and stopped my Spotify premium sub.

My first thoughts were that it seemed OK. The PC client is web based, so is platform agnostic. I’ve noticed occasional stuttering during playback as it doesn’t cache music as well as Spotify. It also seems to have problems when the browser is bogged down with a few heavy tabs. The music selection seems pretty good, no complaints. The price is pretty much the same as Spotify too.

I’d be happy using it if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s Google.

I’ve got nothing specific against Google, but it’s everyone’s best interests to keep competition alive and prevent another Microsoft style monopoly. It doesn’t matter if Google music is better right now (it isn’t). When my free 30 trial is over I’ll be going back to Spotify, not because it’s has better caching or a good full-fat client application, not even because it has an offline mode. I’m going back to keep Spotify and competition alive.

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