32 to 64bit Ubuntu transition

Posts have been a little non-existent for the last few months, as you can see. The reason for this is mainly that nothing has needed fixing, so nothing to write about. To stir up the status quo I decided to move from Ubuntu 11.10 386 (32bit) to x64 (64bit).

The one thing I recommend to anyone using linux is to put your /home folder on a separate partition. This makes upgrading or changing OS a hell of a lot easier and in my case made it absolutely painless, just remember to update your fstab on the new install to point back to your home location – it’s probably easier to make a copy of /etc/fstab and copy the relevant lines.

Other than the above tip, there was nothing to report. The install was smooth and I’m running on 64bit, SSE flagged goodness. Everything works, I’ve kept my firefox/chrome etc prefs. There was just one old fix to reapply, which is covered in the next post.

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